Category: News
April – We are open!
April is here and we are thrilled to be open again. Every season has particular joys for me and if...
March 2021
It was when I saw the blisters on my hands that I realised just how much time I’ve spent...
More plant centre news – stop press
This year we will have plants for sale from 1st May. The reason for the slight delay is that we...
News from the garden
We are open The garden is now open to visitors alongside the plant centre, gift shop and of course The...
February 2021
Well here we are again, I think we can all agree that this was not the start to the year...
January 2021
So here we are again at the beginning of a new year with plans for our gardens and possibly (or...
December 2020
I’m writing this at the tail end of November and two things strike me. One is that I am so...
November 2020
There is a special quality to the light in November. A few days ago I was driving home and the...
October 2020
October is the time of year, for me at least to reflect back on the garden year and what’s happened...
September 2020
A couple of plants I’m really fond of are Dicentra formosa or Wild Bleeding Heart and Kniphofia rooperi, the red...
August 2020
One of the things about a garden being left to its own devices for three months is that everything will...
July 2020
There was much celebration on my part when I got the news that I was coming off furlough early. I...