Category: News

  • June 2020

    As the lockdown continues and still only Tony and myself in the garden it can sometimes seem a bit of...

  • May 2020

    I’ve hijacked Tricia’s column this month because she and Heather are furloughed to help conserve limited garden funds. She is...

  • April 2020

    I had already written my article for April about all the great things we were doing in the garden, the...

  • March 2020

    You’d need to have your fingers in your ears and over your eyes simultaneously, (never an easy feat) not to...

  • February 2020

    I still can’t stop thinking about planning for the winter garden even though there are only a few weeks left...

  • January 2020

    Last month I was at an RHS gardeners’ networking day down at Hyde Hall, their garden in Essex. They built...