August 2021 – All hands to the deck

It’s early August and as I write the rain is lashing against the windows of the office. Gardening outdoors has been officially abandoned for the day and indoor activity for our garden volunteers beckons.

We have another small group of volunteers who don’t often get a mention. But right now they are working on a project that will help us to overwinter more plants and help seedlings harden off a little earlier.

This unassuming group of men (yes, they are all chaps at the time of writing) are our maintenance volunteers and they look after the day to day upkeep of the garden. From mending a step where the tread has cracked to fitting a new shelf in the shop or a new tap in the community room, they can turn their hands to all sorts of things.

Now they are renovating the glass lights of our cold frames so that we can fit them again. This is a big job taking a lot of time and effort. We had to raise funds for the job as we realised we needed to replace all the glass with safety glass, not cheap.

The frames themselves as well as the woodwork of the lights needed to be sanded back to the wood and repainted and a lot of jiggery pokery that I confess I have not attended to but means that everything looks beautiful and fits perfectly.

There are 18 lights so it is keeping all of the team busy and out of mischief and the results are excellent as you can see.

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