Safeguarding Policy

Helmsley Walled Garden Safeguarding Statement

Helmsley Walled Garden acknowledges its duty of care to safeguard, protect and promote the welfare of all visitors, volunteers, staff, and contractors by:

  • Putting their welfare at the centre of all we do
  • Respecting their views, feelings and rights,
  • Taking all reasonable steps to ensure the safeguarding and welfare of everyone who comes into contact with Helmsley Walled Garden.

We are committed to ensuring safeguarding practice that reflects statutory responsibilities and government guidance and that complies with best practice.

Helmsley Walled Garden staff and volunteers are expected to adhere to our safeguarding policy and to follow our agreed reporting processes when they suspect or are aware of a safeguarding incident or concern. They will receive regular information and training on our safeguarding policy and procedures to ensure they understand their own safeguarding responsibilities.

Our safeguarding policy can be accessed here.