Leave a gift in your will

What’s special about a charity legacy gift?
Gifts in wills help maintain and develop Helmsley Walled Garden as a place of historic significance, a beautiful visitor attraction and a place of beauty and calm for visitors, volunteers and the local community as well as enabling us to continue to develop opportunities for therapeutic horticulture. We want as many people from as diverse a range of backgrounds and circumstances as possible to enjoy and benefit from this wonderful garden.
The gifts we receive in wills are vital to our work and without them, many of our development projects simply wouldn’t be possible.
Information you need for making your will
If you’ve already decided you’d like to remember Helmsley Walled Garden in your will, thank you. Below you will find information of the different types of legacy you can leave.
Different types of legacy gifts
There are three main kinds of legacy gift you might like to consider – a cash amount, a share of your estate or a specific item:
A share of your estate to be paid after any debts, funeral costs and cash gifts are paid (also known as a residuary legacy).
A cash sum which can be index-linked to safeguard its future value (also known as a pecuniary legacy).
A particular item to be used or sold by the beneficiary (also known as a specific legacy).
If you are worried about providing for your family but still want to remember Helmsley Walled Garden in your will, ask your legal adviser about a “reversionary legacy”, which allows you to leave assets to a named individual for their lifetime while deciding who should benefit after they have passed away.
Depending on your circumstances and wishes, your adviser might recommend one type of legacy above the others but this is ultimately your choice. Every gift in every will makes a real and lasting difference to the Garden and all that we do here.
How to Word Your Will
If you’d like to include a gift to Helmsley Walled Garden in your will, you may find the following examples of use:
Leaving a share of your estate in your will:
“I give fraction / % share / all of the residue of my estate to Helmsley Walled Garden (Registered Charity Number 1074448) of Cleveland Way, Helmsley YO62 5AH to be used for its general charitable purposes, and I direct that the receipt of the treasurer or duly authorised officer shall be a sufficient discharge to my executors.”
Leaving a cash gift or a specific item in your will:
“I give to Helmsley Walled Garden (Registered Charity Number 1074448) of Cleveland Way, Helmsley YO62 5AH the sum of £amount / specific gift of my item to be used for its general charitable purposes and I direct that the receipt of the treasurer or duly authorised officer shall be a sufficient discharge to my executors.”
Whatever you decide to do, you can be sure that you will have made a difference: supporting the ongoing maintenance and development of the garden and our invaluable work in therapeutic horticulture.
Will Week in Ryedale
During Will Week (generally the first week in October), participating Ryedale solicitors will waive their fee for making or updating simple wills, in return for a donation to Ryedale Charities Together.
If you are thinking of making a will, please support disadvantaged people in Ryedale at no extra cost. The minimum donation is £150 for a simple single will and £250 for a simple double will. For wills requiring specialist advice a fee can be agreed in advance.
To take advantage of this offer, contact one of the participating solicitors and make an appointment during Will Week. Appointments can be booked during this week to take place at a later date.
Participating solicitors
- Pearsons & Ward, Malton 01653 692 247
- Crombie Wilkinson, Malton 01653 600 070
- Ellis Lakin, Pickering 01751 472 121
With your help, we can do more, thank you.