
Built to provide fruit and vegetables to the Feversham family at Duncombe Park, there has been a walled garden here since 1758.
As for so many gardens, everything changed after World War One and the garden’s purpose as a provider of food for the family ceased.
Left to dereliction after the last leaseholder left, it slumbered until 1994 when Alison Ticehurst, a local practice nurse saw its potential. She wanted it to be a beautiful garden to visit but also somewhere where people could benefit from therapeutic horticulture.
Alison died before she could see her vision become a reality but we are proud to carry her vision forward. The ethos of the garden is to create a place where people can tap into the healing power of horticulture, or simply find a quiet place to sit and enjoy a stunning display of flowers throughout the seasons. The gardens are developed and maintained by a small core of staff with the help of a dedicated band of volunteers.