Category: Blog
June – What the weather brings…
T S Eliot famously wrote that April was the cruellest month, but he never saw this May. It has been...
May – Everything in the garden is blooming
It’s that time of year when everything takes off and if you dawdle, you’re left lying in a heap as...
April – We are open!
April is here and we are thrilled to be open again. Every season has particular joys for me and if...
March 2021
It was when I saw the blisters on my hands that I realised just how much time I’ve spent...
February 2021
Well here we are again, I think we can all agree that this was not the start to the year...
January 2021
So here we are again at the beginning of a new year with plans for our gardens and possibly (or...
December 2020
I’m writing this at the tail end of November and two things strike me. One is that I am so...
November 2020
There is a special quality to the light in November. A few days ago I was driving home and the...
October 2020
October is the time of year, for me at least to reflect back on the garden year and what’s happened...
September 2020
A couple of plants I’m really fond of are Dicentra formosa or Wild Bleeding Heart and Kniphofia rooperi, the red...
August 2020
One of the things about a garden being left to its own devices for three months is that everything will...
July 2020
There was much celebration on my part when I got the news that I was coming off furlough early. I...